HSO Meeting Minutes

Notes From the Meeting on September 7th, 2023. ⌛

Below you will find everything we went over during this HSO meeting.


Allyson M, Beth B, Amanda C, Jeralynn H, Kylee G, Jayni R, Evan B, Karen C, Breanna F, Taryn B, Jeremy P, Amy W, Lisa S, Samantha M, Rachel W, Rachel M

Call To Order

Amanda C at 6:17pm

Approval of Minutes

May 3rd, 2022 minutes - Approved 16-0

Officer Reports

  1. President - Amanda Campbell: Book Fair Volunteers Needed Oct. 3rd & 5th
    • Mrs Marx (library) also coaches volleyball, so needs help
    • Sign up sheet here, also will go out online
  2. Vice President - Jeralynn Howell: K-4 Room Parent Info / PreK / Parent List
    • Start reaching out to your classroom teacher to get parent contact info
    • Spirit night at Gambino’s next Weds (online order code is “Colwich2023”)
  3. Treasurer - Beth Bryan:
    • Current balance: Contact HSO
  4. Secretary - Allyson Mendenhall

Old Business/Committee Reports

  1. New HSO officers
    • Jeralynn Howell - Vice President
      • Voted via online ballot July 21, 2023
      • Passed 16-0
  2. Past events
    • Used Uniform Sales
    • Dessert Social
      • Lots of donations, only had to spend aprox $50. Thank you!!

New Business/Announcements

  1. Principal’s Report
    • Virtue curriculum during Cardinals Connections
      • Cardinal Code (Heart, Effort, Grit)
    • MTSS (multi tiered system of support)
      • Tier 1 for all kids
      • Tier 2 for kids one grade level behind
      • Tier 3 for >one grade level behind
      • Working to get back on grade level
    • Discipline systems added
    • Let Mr Burke know if questions, concerns, thoughts
  2. 2023-24 Budget - discuss and vote
    • Motion to increase Cw/C budget to $800 (AC, JH 2nd) pass 16-0
    • Motion to approve budget as is (BB, AC 2nd) pass 16-0
  3. Upcoming events and Volunteers
    • September
    • October
      • Teacher Conference Meal (5th)
        • Barn’rds - Lisa S will pick up
        • Dessert sign up sent around and email
      • Coffee With Cardinals
        • Some don’t enjoy Cw/C, some do - do we want to continue?
          • Lots of prep to make happen, crowded, lots of people, Friday did not work for PreK
          • Separate into smaller groups? But then that is 2 events to organize.
        • Mr Burke would like to keep as a full school event - our full Cardinal family together.
        • Motion to have Cw/C on Thursday, October 12; 8-8:25am in conjunction with Mr Burke, CES and HSO.
        • Will put out sign ups for food/coffee/working/donations
      • Trunk or Treat (Oct 28th) Time TBA
        • Need 2 volunteers
        • Incorporate the Cardinal Code on the trunk?
    • November
      • Veterans Day reception (10th)
        • Ask Abby if Stuco can help serve
        • Need 2 volunteers
      • Winter Market (11th) - more info TBA
      • Coin Wars 
        • Amanda suggests moving to the spring
        • No set “thing” to fund this year - just do a small spring coin wars and use carnival type rewards for the kids
        • Motion to move coin wars to spring (BB, 2nd AM) - pass 16-0
      • HSO meeting (14th)
  4. Website - download calendar
  5. Time to order new water filter for lounge
  6. Funding Requests
    • Mendenhall (riser) motion to fund (LS 2nd JH) pass 16-0
    • Omo (Pumpkin patch field trip)
      • Discussion to fund full cost, not just $5/student.
      • Motion to fund at full cost ($8/student) (JR 2nd JH) pass 16-0
    • Terry (pumpkins)  motion to fund (AM 2nd AC) pass 16-0
    • Terry (apples) motion to fund (AC 2nd JH) pass 16-0 
    • Reinhard (banners) motion to fund (LS 2nd JH) pass 16-0
    • M Butterfield (microscopes) motion to fund (AC 2nd JR) pass 16-0
    • Reinhard
      • Approved 4-0 by officers on 8/5/23 (under $500 and needed before meeting date).  
  7. Carnival
    • Mr Burke - simple games, chili and cinnamon rolls, keep it simple - keep it about community
    • Motion to take carnival out of budget and discuss again in November (AC, 2nd BB) pass 16-0

Next Meeting

  1. Tuesday, November 14th, 2023, 6pm, CES Music Room

Adjournment Time


Who can attend HSO meetings?

Any parent or guardian of children enrolled in CES, or anyone in the Renwick school district interested in the purposes of the organization.

Why should I attend?

This is a great way to meet other parents and to help your child’s school.

How many meetings a year?

Only 4 meetings! Check the calendar for details. We might have additional meetings if they are needed for the carnival fundraiser.

I missed a meeting. How can I stay informed?

We post all of our meeting minutes online. You can find them here.

What time are the meetings?

They usually start in the evenings around 6pm or 6:30pm. Be sure to check the flyer for the meeting in question.

Where are the meetings?

Most often they will be at CES in the library or music room located next to the new south gym. Please be on the lookout for any changes.

Where do I park?

Park behind the school and use the west entrance.

How long are the meetings?

We do our best to keep the meetings to 75 minutes. There may be times that they go slightly over.

Can I bring my kids?

Yes, but please bring them a quiet activity to keep them entertained. If bringing a tablet, please bring headphones. Mainly, we’re just trying to avoid disturbing the meeting.

Is there food or drink?

We will not be serving any food or drink.

What is discussed at the meetings?

We discuss upcoming events (i.e. Coffee with Cardinals, Fundraisers, etc.). We also vote on what to fund for CES. Then we’ll get to discuss ideas and issues with teachers and the principal.

What do I need to bring to the meetings?

You may need a pen/pencil and a smile. We will provide a handout with the agenda.

Our Sponsors

Those who support our school.

We couldn't do this without a little help from our friends. Please show your support to the generous sponsors above!