2024-2025 Calendar

Sync Up With Our Yearly Event Schedule 🗓️

Click below to download our 2024-2025 calendar, which will keep your phone or computer in sync with our yearly events.

2024-2025 Schedule


How do I sync the shared calendar?

On  Apple and Windows Products

By subscribing to our calendar, you will be prompted to download and install the shared calendar. Once clicking, you will be asked to allow the download, and to click a “Subscribe” button. You may also be asked to choose which of your accounts the calendar should live under. Once you go through the simple prompts, the calendar is installed.

To Your Google Account

You can add the calendar directly to your Google Account. After clicking that link, and signing into Google, you will be prompted with an “Add” button. Accept that, and you are subscribed to the calendar.

On Android or other devices that do not support webcal

If your Android device uses your Google account, refer to the step above. For other devices, you can manually add the calendar. Just look for a “Subscribe to Calendar” option in your calendar app, and then paste the link below:


You can also download the calendar file, or view the calendar in a web browser.

How do I remove the shared calendar?

Once the calendar is installed, removing it is done like any other calendar on your device. You would go to your calendar applicaiton, and delete the calendar. Examples for a few common devices are:

Delete Calendar on iOS

Add or Delete Calendar on MacOS

Delete a Calendar on Android

Can I view the calendar online?

Yep! We’ve got the full calendar online. From there, you can add to your Google account, or just view in a web browser.

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