Calling All Parents
Every Classroom Needs a Room Parent (You!)
Each year room parents are vital to HSO and organizing the activities for the school year.
Calling All Parents
Each year room parents are vital to HSO and organizing the activities for the school year.
Any parent at Colwich Elementary School.
At least 2 room parents per grade.
You can sign up on our website. Please contact HSO if you have any questions.
Expectations for a room parent are:
We supply one meal for the teachers conferences as a show of appreciation.
Event DetailsJoin us for skating on Feb 26th from 6-9. 20% of proceeds go back to Colwich HSO.
Event DetailsCoin Wars is a fundraiser game to be competed between grade levels/home rooms.
Event DetailsWhen eating at our partner restaurant, a portion of your meal will go back to Colwich HSO.
Event DetailsOur fourth meeting of the year to set goals for the next school year.
Event DetailsAs the school year is ending, we take a full week to show our teachers love.
Event DetailsTo make a donation, just click one of the dollar amounts below to be taken to the checkout page.
You can also learn how your donation will be used. Another option is to donate directly to teachers, or volunteer your time. Thanks for helping us out!