Frequently Asked Questions

You've Got Questions.
We've Got Answers. 🙋

Check out the content below for answers to your burning questions.

What does HSO stand for?

Home and School Organization – we work just like a PTA! The organization is made up of parents and teachers whose main goal is to provide better communication and cooperation between the home and school. We also facilitate fundraising to help cover a variety of school expenses, and to raise funds towards larger school improvement projects.

What does HSO do for the school?

HSO provides funding for important educational equipment, class field trips and teacher & staff appreciation events. We also support school projects that lack extra resources. Outside of fundriasing, we sponsor fun events like Coffee with Cardinals, Dessert Social, Veteran’s Day Program, Spring Carnival and so on. In the 2021-22 school year, we funded over $9,000, and welcomed over 100 volunteers.

Why should I become a member or volunteer?

So that you can play an active role in your child’s school life! Being an HSO volunteer is one way to say thank you to the school staff for guiding our children on a daily basis. We truly need every parent to pitch in. Membership is open to any parent or guardian of children enrolled in CES or anyone in the Renwick school district interested in the purposes of the organization. There are only 4 meetings a year! Please consider attending.

Remember- NO ONE can do everything but EVERYONE can do something.

How often are HSO meetings?

There are only 4 meetings a year that last about 75 minutes. See their date, location and time.

  • All meeting begin at 6 pm
  • We discuss upcoming events (i.e. Coffee with Cardinals, Fundraisers, etc.)
  • Vote on what to fund for CES
  • Get to work with other parents, teachers and the principal

Are there any quick ways I can help out?

We understand that not everyone has time in their schedule to come to meetings, or be there at daytime hours. If you’re just looking to help out, please consider one of the following options:

How are donations used?

Donations go back to the school in a variety of forms. Field trips, supplies and teacher appreciation are examples of recurring expenses. We also save towards larger expenses. In recent years, we have purchased a new sound system for the school, and the digital marquee out front. We greatly appreciate any donation you have to offer. If you’re interested, please read more about it here.

Who can I contact with questions?

If you’ve got more questions, just drop us a note on our contact form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Our Sponsors

Those who support our school.

We couldn't do this without a little help from our friends. Please show your support to the generous sponsors above!